Hitler Speech To SS
Urda: The Third Reich
Urda - episode 1 - sub eng
先放出兩部和IRON SKY「鋼鐵蒼穹」無關的動畫,循序漸進,襯托出「鋼鐵蒼穹」的特效絕非一般,以便突顯出從2006年喊到現在,曾說過2006年要上映,卻敢讓影迷苦苦等候哪年哪月,製作團隊一直不斷改進動畫特效與電影全片細節,IRON SKY是鐵了心、花掉重金並耗費漫長的時間,拍出這樣題材發揮性大的「科幻喜劇電影」。
科幻喜劇.......? 喜劇扯上第三帝國不會很詭異嗎? 敢問是卓別林的「獨裁者」? NO DOUBT,官網說得很清楚。
當然,男性觀眾很興奮又期待,左等右等還不等上映,鄉民的碗都快要敲破了,又好奇科幻喜劇是要拍出什麼矛盾的涵意,2008年透露的預告片,十分有二戰前時代的文化與時空背景,今年釋出去的預告片則是強調「就快來了!」,震撼性愈發強烈,要是沒有意外的話,預定於2011年上映。主題曲"Under the Iron Sky"很蒼涼又悅耳好聽,歌詞應有呼應著電影劇情。
一路看下來,科幻影迷一定要去官方網站挖寶,無論是動畫特效、電影配樂、人物選角等細節,魔鬼不是藏在細節裡嗎? 可說是讓人無可挑剔,好片多磨!也許反極權、反納粹者早就磨刀等著如何批判這部電影,呵呵,曾是第三帝國的勁敵怎麼可能看著敵人在宣傳戰上出盡鋒頭呢?下篇介紹勁敵的COPY版「Rust Sky teaser - Space Communists attack!」
The Story of Iron Sky
Iron Sky teaser - Space Nazis attack!
2010年預告片2 Iron Sky Teaser 2 - The First Footage
Julia Dietze is Renate Richter
Götz Otto as Klaus Adler 看服裝上的徽誌,可能是校級以上的軍官?
Under the Iron Sky
by Adamantium Studios Feat. Kaiti Kink
for 'Iron Sky' Energia Productions
Clips from 'Persona', 'The Third Man', 'Moloch'.
Lyrics: Joonas Naskali
Now that you have gone away
I feel so cold, why did I stay?
Remember, I'll remember your face so pale
when you left me on that gloomy day...
Time goes by, memories are mine
Still waiting for the moment I'll see you again
Times are changing, memories are fading
I'm waiting for another chance
to tell you belong to me
One day
I know we'll meet again
Under the Iron Sky.
影迷自製的混音主題曲,比原來的還好聽^0^ !["movie":"http://www.youtube.com/v/LgE_4haMZ44?fs=1&hl=zh_TW&color1=0xcc2550&color2=0xe87a9f","allowfullscreen":"true","allowscriptaccess":"always","src":"http://www.youtube.com/v/LgE_4haMZ44?fs=1&hl=zh_TW&color1=0xcc2550&color2=0xe87a9f","type":"application/x-shockwave-flash"](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_uzA73RWt35sASWLWyPlOhWMQb4mJd3YBLn_1I7L90fi5UFYATVhdBGgey_vAhaP6q2H82GPnUChy8kXSTuzP14ACUO6qA3V3C3Yme3sGINiC9PjUjgcYvtweU7Gi6YQsuxAaKBe5LpAAZoxzbDWYLd-4_7jGy81HecGjewJslRSdI=s0-d)
Under the Iron Sky - extended remix version
"Under the Iron Sky" by Adamantium Studios; fan extended mix of song from the original teaser trailer for "Iron Sky". This version remixed by d.cändy.
The original is only a couple of minutes long and I found myself playing the song over and over - so I decided to splice together an extended version.
Pictures taken from the official website ironsky.net